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12 Noon- 7PM Tuesday-Thursday
11041 Reading Rd. Cincinnati, Ohio 45241
513-733-DOME (3663)
ChromeDomeAudio, LLC
11041 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241
ph: 513-733-3663
Listen to tracks of the Tone Philosopher 40 in your web browser below
Tim Sylvester has Engineered all of the recordings, studio, or on site.
Tim has also played for the mic here.
Joe Richter of Mid-Night Special, a huge band from Cincinnati Ohio is on record.
Mike Stephens, a fellow amp tech and a "Tone Philosopher" design conspirator is the Blues player.
Shawn David Anderson is the insane player who can chicken pick or shred like hell. He likes his 40 watt amp!
Copyright, ChromeDomeAudio, LLC All rights reserved. 2007-2013
ChromeDomeAudio, LLC
11041 Reading Road
Cincinnati, OH 45241
ph: 513-733-3663